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Lunak LF-107 3.6m
Moswey 4
DG-800S 3.7-4.5m
ASH-26 4m
H-201 Standard Libelle
ASW-28 4m
Discus 2b/2bM 4m
Discus 2b 4m
Duo Discus T 4m
Nimbus 4D 4m
FOX 4.0m
Salto H101 4m
L23-Super Blanik
Windex 1200c 4.1m
ASW-28-18 4.1m
Ka6e 4.2m
Discus 4.3m
ASK-21 4.2m
Ka6e 4.2m
SB-9 (4.5m)
Salto H101 4.5m
Cirrus 4.5m
L213 A (4.6m)
DG-600 M 4-4.8m
Ventus 2cx 4.3m
Pilatus B4 4.5m
Lunak LF-107 4.75m
ASG 29-18 4.8m
Ventus 2cx 4.8m
ASW-28-18 5m
DFS-Habicht 3.8m
Minimoa 4.8m
DFS-Reiher 5.4m
KA 7 5.3m
ASW-22 BL 5.3m
Ventus 2ax 5m
Discus 2b/2c 5m
SB-14 5.14m
DG-600/16 Evo 5.13 m
Nimbus 4D/4DM 5.2m
Nimbus 4, 6m
DG-808B 6m
DG-600 5-5.6m
DG-1000/M 5.3m
DG-1000/M MK 5.3m
Duo DiscusX 5.3m
DG-800S 5-6m
Ventus 2c MK 5/6m
Ventus 2c SK 5/6m
ASK-21 6m
Duo Discus 6.06m
HpH 304 Shark  6m
ASG 29 6m
Ventus 2cx 6m
Swift S-1 5.5 m
SZD-59 6m
ASK-21 5.7m
ASG 29 5m
ASH-26/M MK 6m
Antares 20E 6.6m
Arcus 6.6m
ASH-25/Mi 6.6-6.9m
Nimbus 4D/DM 7m
Nimbus 4D/DM 7 m
Nimbus 4 10 m
DG-303 6.5m
Ventus 2cx 7.5m
ASH-31/Mi 7.2-8.4m
Duo-Discus X
Arcus 7.4m
Arcus 8m
ASG-29 9m

Ka6e 4.2m


Wing Span: 4.2 m (165")
Length: 1.84 m (72")
Wing Area: 110 dm2 (1705 sq. in.)
Wing Airfoil: Special
Wing Loading: 55 g/dm2 (18 oz/sq. ft.)
Flying Weight: 6.1 kg (215 oz)
Radio: Standard radio
Mini servos for the wings

This plane is Rudolph Kaiser's best known design from the late 1950's. It is the last high-performance glider still built from wood. It was manufactured into the 1970's, long after modern composite gliders had made their debut.

This a nice semi-scale reproduction of this well known glider. At this size it make it a great ship to get into scale soaring. Will do best behind a tug and its ease of handling will make it a great introductory ship for thermal soaring.


- White epoxy gel coated fibreglass fuselage.
- Wings, elevator and the moving part of the rudder are from the foam covered with obechi reinforced with the fibre.
- Covered with Oracover.
- 320 mm long, double height, airbrakes installed.
- White gel coated canopy frame.
- Wing joiner, transparent canopy, accessories, stickers, and the step by step photo instruction.

Ka6e, 4.2m, ARF kit,


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