This is latest development at Schleicher company,
they just added this new glider of
a new generation family, the ASG, in the 18m class. It is designed by Michael Greiner,
their new design associate and it has been
marketed during year
This kit is manufactured in Germany to the highest
building standard by HB Modell. Their expertise in very large scale glider is
well-known, and all their kits are great flyer. You will get here a
sate of the art airframe and a high performance scale glider. It features
interchangeable wing tips. Wings are in four pieces for ease of transportation.
All control surfaces are gapless knuckle hinged. Moulded winglets. Extra large
This kit comes highly prefabricated, and has the
complete wing joiners system installed. Rudder post and rudder fitted.
High end retractable landing gear comes pre-installed. Canopy
scale opening mechanism is supplied, needs to be fitted. Wings and tail
parts are finished sanded, ready to cover.
- White epoxy gel coated fibreglass fuselage.
- Wings, elevator and rudder are obechi sheeted, carbon reinforced, ready to
- Extra large airbrakes installed.
- Landing gear installed
- Canopy and frame, hinge system supplied like full size.
Radio requirements are four
high torque servos for the ailerons,
four for the flaps and two additional std servos for the airbrakes. Three more
high torque servos
for the elevator, rudder and retract. An additional servo might be installed for aerotow.
ASG-29, 7.5 - 9.0 m,
ARC kit,
price: 7900.00U$
ASG-29-E, with self launch system available, price: